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May 15, 2024

Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire

When Daniel’s mother, Charlotte, was pregnant, she received appropriate prenatal care, including an ultrasound at five months. The scan showed that her baby had a swollen head—an indication of hydrocephalus. “Since the diagnosis, I was not at peace with myself. I could not imagine that such abnormality could occur to any of my kids,” Charlotte shared.

Unfortunately, when her extended family found out about the condition, they began to spread rumors about the mother and child. People said that “our baby was a genie because of the shape of his head,” says Charlotte.

Due to financial challenges, the family first tried traditional treatments, which had no effect. In October 2023, however, they went for a medical consultation at the Hôpital Mère Enfant in Bingerville. There, they were informed about a one-week surgical camp being hosted by NeuroKids in Bouaké, the second-largest city in Côte d’Ivoire. 

At the Chu de Bouaké hospital, a children’s hospital, NeuroKids supported Dr. Landry Teti’s training on The Warf Method (or ETV/CPC – endoscopic third ventriculostomy with choroid plexus cauterization). During the one-week training, Dr. Oumar Diallo trained Dr. Teti on this new, effective treatment for hydrocephalus.

“It turns out that my son was the first patient in Côte d’Ivoire to be operated on with the ETV/CPC procedure,” notes Charlotte. “Since then, my child has regained a good complexion. I believe that he will fully recover. Thank you to NeuroKids for the initiative.”

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