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During the Healthcare and Innovation Technology Lab Innovators Summit, 2022,  Dr. Ben Warf sat down for an interview with Stan Kachnowski on how the NeuroKids team is using the Televu technology. In the interview, Dr. Warf highlights NeuroKids’ history and the path to developing The Warf Method of ETV/CPC after recognizing the issues with using shunts for hydrocephalus treatment in rural Uganda.

In the video, Dr. Warf walks through the process of how NeuroKids supports partner hospitals. NeuroKids is using the Televu technology for remote training, whereby neurosurgeons like Dr. Warf can conduct remote training from home hospitals, using technology like Televu.

This enables more cost-effective, ongoing training and mentoring of pediatric neurosurgeons in other countries.

 In the video, Dr. Warf describes the technology used to connect in real-time the trainee with the trainer during surgery, so the trainer can see exactly what the trainee sees during the surgery.

Dr. Warf describes how easy the equipment is to learn and use, It’s cost-effectiveness, and how the equipment enables him to feel like he is in the operating room with the trainee. 

Dr. Benjamin Warf presenting at a congressional hearing on Meeting the Challenges of Global Brain Health: Diagnosis and Treatment for the 21st Century.

Meeting the Challenges of Global Brain Health

At NeuroKids, we are committed to ensuring that children with…
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We Are NeuroKids video

We Are NeuroKids

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The NeuroKids approach: Focus on Brazil

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